Οι πίνακες του Alex Bulzan εξερευνούν θραύσματα της φύσης μέσα από μια οπτική γλώσσα αρχετυπικών σχημάτων, χρώματος, κλίμακας και επιφάνειας. Εξετάζει τα οργανικά μέσα από τα σχέδια, μειώνοντας τις λεπτομέρειές τους έως ότου πέσουν στην άκρη της αφαίρεσης. Οι εκκεντρικότητες της χειροποίητης γραμμής του δίνουν κίνηση στα έργα όπως και η περιστασιακή επιρροή του op art.
Ο εικαστικός, σχεδιαστής και εκπαιδευτικός, ο Alex μιλά άπταιστα Αγγλικά, Ελληνικά, Γαλλικά και Ρουμανικά και το έργο του έχει προβληθεί και συλλεχθεί σε εθνικό και διεθνές επίπεδο.
Αποδέκτης του Εθνικού Βραβείου N3XT, Καναδάς. Επιλέχθηκε να εκθέσει τη δουλειά του στο The International Design Show, Osaka, Ιαπωνία. Βραβευμένο από το Art Director’s Club του Τορόντο. Μέλος της Λέσχης Τεχνών & Γραμμάτων του Τορόντο. Μέλος συμβουλευτικού συμβουλίου για τη Σχολή Μέσων & Επικοινωνιών στο Seneca College, Πανεπιστήμιο York, Τορόντο. Ο Alex έχει πτυχίο Επικοινωνίας & Σχεδιασμού από το OCAD.
Contact alex@bulzan.com
Alex Bulzan’s paintings explore fragments of nature through a visual language of archetypal shapes, colour, scale, and surface. He examines the organic through drawings, reducing their detail until they teeter on the edge of abstraction. The eccentricities of his hand-drawn line give movement to the works as does the occasional dash of op art influence.
Visual artist, designer, and educator, Alex speaks English, Greek, French, and Romanian fluently and his work has been shown and collected nationally and internationally.
Recipient of the National N3XT Award, Canada; Selected to exhibit his work at The International Design Show, Osaka, Japan; Awarded by the Art Director’s Club of Toronto; Member of the Arts & Letters Club of Toronto; Advisory board member for the Faculty of Media & Communications at Seneca College, York University, Toronto; Alex has a Communications & Design degree from OCAD.

Black Walnuts / Gouache & pencil on wood / 112cm X 120cm
Recipient of the N3XT Canada Award
December 20, 2020 / National Juried Competition.
“This piece embodies the concept of diversity within unity so beautifully. Three of the same, yet each different…”
“The small seed as a life force; holding within it great transformative potential, the “blueprint for a life”(quote from the artist, Alex Bulzan); each life unique but connected by common origins- the elements of earth, water, sunlight. Seeds as living things necessary for our longer term survival, but requiring us to be guardians, not destroyers, of our environment to allow them to grow and thrive. The strength of the life force symbolized by the red, black and white.”
These words from The Honourable Chief Justice Suzanne Duncan at the Award Ceremony, Thursday December 17, 2020 Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada.

2024 Arts & Letters Commemorative poster.
June 6, 2024
The history of The Arts & Letters Toronto is on display in the lounge area in the form of 116 commemorative posters, frame touching frame, one for each year since the club started. Covering several walls, one can see the trends in Canadian art and design through the years. Starting with the exquisite typographic designs of JEH MacDonald in the early part of the 20th Century, Art Nouveau and Deco-inspired posters through the Great War years, Modernist graphics between the wars, mod renditions through the sixties and seventies, experimental works both analog and for the first time as digital prints in the 1990’s, through the end of the millennium to the vastly creative juxtapositions of style and individuality in current years. Typographic, photographic, painterly, sculptural, collage, embroidery, cartoon, even a bronze cast, the members honoured with the this commission have never disappointed or failed to surprise. The A&L now celebrates it’s 2nd century, the poster for 2023-2024 takes its place on the wall of fame June 6, 2024 at the Annual Executive Board Meeting.

Art Workshop for Queensborough Area Youth.
August 8, 2022
High school teens spent three mornings learning to draw from nature with Alex Bulzan. The first day was spend indoors at the Queensborough Community Centre where students learned about materials and worked on a still life. The rest of the sessions were “En Plein Air” drawing the beautiful mill pond and the area around the hamlet. There was no charge for the classes or the art supplies.

Toronto Plein Air Exhibition
The Queensborough studio is surrounded by cedar forests that border a scenic wetland. I collect some of the fallen branches that can reach 10 meters long and prop them up like a tripod to create a focal point in the vegetable garden. Within the structure I’ve planted grape vines and wild flowers and have drawn and painted many studies of the structure over the years. Here are some photos through the seasons.